What is the Real Biblical Weekly Sabbath and Feast Days Calendar?

A lot of folks think they know the real biblical weekly sabbath and feast days calendar. But does anybody alive today know for certain? This is even true for the ones who are in disagreement. Not everybody can be right and maybe nobody is right.

Consider the conventional claim that the weekly sabbath determination by various individuals and groups:

Group 1:  Friday at sunset to Saturday right before sunset is the Sabbath

Group 2:  The new moon determines the sabbath such that the sabbath is always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of each month

Group 3:  Under Christ Gentiles are free from the Sabbath and we choose to transfer Sabbath functions to the first day of the week (Sunday).

There is even uncertainty about whether a day in the Bible starts at sunlight or sunset. Intuitively one would think a day starts at sunlight or beginning of morning.  Yet, there are scriptures that suggest a day starts at sunset.

One key question concerns the phrase in Genesis where it says for example, the evening and the morning was the first day.  Some people read that to mean the day started in the evening and ends the following evening where evening refers to darkness and morning refers to daylight.  Others read it to mean the morning completed the day such that when morning came another day started.

So then the phrase evening and morning forms the day that spans from creation and separation of light and darkness such that we have 12 hours of daylight then comes the evening through the night and 12 hours of night then comes the morning to start another day.

Consider the following New Year dates for 2024 as calculated by various individuals and groups

Gathering of Christ Church: New Year date of March 2 – Uses 364 Day Calendar

Leeland Jones YouTube Channel: New Year date of March 13 – Uses 364 Day Calendar

Nick Vanderlaan YouTube Channel: New Year date of March 21 – Uses 364 Day Calendar

Goy UR Group: New Year date of March 21 – Uses 364 Day Calendar

Israel United for Christ:  New Year date of March 26 – Uses New Moon Calendar

Nazarene Hebrew Institute of Technology: New Year date of April 9 – Uses New Moon Calendar

Traditional Jew: New Year date of April 9 – Uses New Moon Calendar

As shown above, there is much disagreement on the timing of the sabbath and when the Bible New Year begins.  Therefore, since there is no certainty in interpretation among sincere believers in God and Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:14-17 is highly applicable.

The basic conclusion is it is common sense to take at least one day a week as a Sabbath for holy convocation and rest.  The day chosen is a personal choice.  Clearly, a day on the weekend is better than a day during the week.  Certainly, a day consistent among a group of believers is better than a day that changes each month or each year especially when one has to coordinate business activities within and outside one’s community. Yet, changes each month and year may not have been difficult during Moses time. This is because most if not all persons were probably self-employed and totally in control of their work time. Also, there was a theocratic command and control leadership and communications structure.

The same goes for the New Year and various feasts.

It is my belief that God foresaw these times of increased complexity of interactions between humans.  He therefore got rid of the rigid ordinances as to when, where, and how of Sabbaths and feasts.

Certainly, all of those who disagree on the sabbath can’t be right as to the letter of the law regarding the sabbath. The same goes for the New Year and various feasts.

However, all of them and us can be right concerning the spirit of the law per 2 Corinthians 3:6 and Romans 7:6.  That is, we can still keep the sabbath basic principles honoring its purpose.  We can still keep the applicable feasts basic principles honoring their purposes.

As Colossians 2:16 says let us not judge one another on such things.

Let each one be fully persuaded in his or her own mind per Romans 14:15.  Let us not bother others with judging them as to the rightness or wrongness of their Sabbath keeping and Feast day keeping per Colossians 2:14-16.

For what makes us better than anyone else in our understanding of such matters that are not clearly set forth in scripture.  I urge you and all to lay down your/our arrogance on such things for such arrogance does not serve the household of God well whether a person biologically an Israelite or not.

My article and video entitled “The Sabbath Question – A Historical Perspective” covers sabbath timing issues and resolution including recommended weekly sabbath day.

My article entitled “New Moon Phased Based Calendars provide some insight into use of the New Moon calendar system.

My article entitled “Enoch and Book of Jubilees 364 Day Calendar” provide insight into the 364-day calendar issue.


Promote the Truth – speaks on the day starting at sunrise not sunset

When Does a Day Start – Morning or Evening? Part 1

Gathering of Christ Church Website

Leeland Jones Website

Nick Vanderlaan Website

Goy UR Group Website

Israel United for Christ Website

Chabad Calendar Website

Christian Sabbath/Holidays

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