Religious Feasts and Holiday Calendar

Fall 2023 – Early 2025

  • Weekly Sabbath: Saturdays – Rest & Home Worship and Possibly Community Worship
  • Weekly Lord’s Day Sabbath: Sundays – Rest & Community Worship
  • Veterans Day: November 11, 2023 – Honor Veterans
  • Christmas: December 25, 2023 – Celebrate Birth of Christ
  • New Year Eve/Day: December 31, 2023; January 1, 2024 – Offering of Thanks to God for Bringing Us Through/To Another Year
  • Black History Month: All of February – Forgivingly Honor Achievements of Black Even During Enslavement and Government Sanctioned Racism
  • Easter: March 31, 2024 – Christ Resurrection on/as First Fruits
  • *Passover: April 22, 2024 – Remembrance of Israelites Liberty from Egyptian Slavery; Christ Crucifixion, Burial, Resurrection
  • *Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 22-30
  • *Feast of First Fruits: May 4, 2024 – Remembrance of God as Provider
  • Mother Day: May 12, 2024 – Honor Mothers
  • Memorial Day: May 27, 2024 – Remember Those Who Died in Uniformed Military Service
  • *Feast of Weeks (Pentecost): June 11, 2024 – Commemorates Giving of Law [via Moses]
  • Father Day: June 16, 2024 – Honor Fathers
  • Juneteenth: June 19, 2024 – Black Americans Liberty from American Slavery
  • Independence Day: July 4, 2024 – USA Formation
  • 9-11 Memorial: September 11, 2024 – Remember Attack of 9-11-2001
  • Labor Day: September 2, 2024 – Honor Workers
  • Ministers Appreciation Month: All of October – Show Appreciation for All Licensed/Ordained Ministers Including Deacons
  • *Feast of Trumpets: October 3, 2024 – A Call to Special Worship
  • *Day of Atonement: October 12, 2024 – Recommitment to Holiness, Confession, Repentance, Fasting
  • *Feast of Tabernacles/Boots: October 16 – 23, 2024 – Remembrance of God Providing Shelter in Wilderness
  • Veterans Day: November 11, 2024 – Honor Veterans
  • Thanksgiving: November 28, 2024 – Offering of Thanks to God
  • Christmas: December 25, 2024 – Celebrate Birth of Christ
  • New Year Eve/Day: December 31, 2024; January 1, 2025 – Offering of Thanks to God for Bringing Us Through/To Another Year

Item marked with an asterisk are feasts listed in Leviticus 23 (Lev 23:3, 5, 10, 16, 24, 27, 34). We keep them in spirit not letter (2 Cor 3:6) for none can keep them today as instructed in the Bible for they all require an animal sacrifice. For an article on the feasts listed in the Bible click here.

Note there is no universal agreement as to when some of the biblical feasts should be done. The schedule above is Chaurcey’s best computed dates. People may choose other dates as they desire.

For more information on biblical feasts click here.

Also see Biblical Feasts, Festivals and Holidays.

Religion Government

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