The Bible does not distinguish one nationality, race or skin color as superior to another or more favored by God under Christ and the New Covenant. Therefore, it is important that faithful Jew/Israelite and Gentile Christians preach/teach/practice and stand against any claim that any nationality or race or skin color now deserves or will receive in the end time mastership so as to enslave any person or group or persons based on nationality or race or skin color. Yet, believe and exhort that people will receive greater blessings or rewards based on faithfulness regardless of nationality or race or skin color as that is common sense reading of the totality of scripture from Genesis to Revelation. It is also common sense reading of scripture that certain ministers, patriarchs, and persons based on faithfulness will receive the relative greater positions of honor now and in the end time but that does not apply to the totality of those of their particular nationalities or race or skin color.
It is important to recognize the power and value of the love thy neighbor as thyself principle Jesus speaks of in Matthew 22:34-40 and the Bible highlights elsewhere in scripture. Therefore, it is important to recognize and do not deny that people of various nationalities, races, and skin colors have throughout history been oppressively victimized by those in power. This includes but is not limited to those with Black American descendants of former American slaves.
It is important to preach/teach, practice and exhort people of all nationalities, races, and skin color to contribute in attitude and gifted action to helping Black Americans to overcome the lingering effect of past and any present injustices.
Yet, it is also important to recognize that there are many non-Blacks such as some whites and non-Black Hispanics who lack adequacy in many areas in American life. It is therefore important to work to help them to overcome victimization by those who have been and are in power.
Indeed, the challenge of modern times is more about classism than racism.