The Bible speaks of financial stewardship as being an important part of a healthy spiritual life. A steward is someone who possesses and is entrusted with the responsibility to look after something of value. The term is often but not exclusively applied to finances. It is this application that we consider stewardship in this topic of financial giving.
In thanks to God, properly balanced ample religious giving by faith should cause one to consider giving first and largely to those entities with whom one largely associates and second to important others. Let all giving be cheerfully from the heart according to ability as you have prospered whether a tenth or otherwise (Gen. 14:20; 28:22; Deuteronomy 16:16-17; I Cor. 9:13-14; II Cor. 9:5-12).
Let each properly balance obligation to provide for your own family, church family, and community (Acts 6; I Tim 5:8). Live modestly and not in resource mismanagement and wasteful excess. (Deut 16:17; Matt 6:33; 7:6; 18:19-20; 19:21; 25:35-40; Heb. 13:1-2; Acts 2:42-47; 6:1-7; Luke 10:35; 11:41; II Cor 8:11-14; 9:6-7; Gal 6:9-10; Phil 4:19; Pro 8:21).
Let each properly balance compliance with the admonition about being worse than an infidel if you fail to take care of your family (1 Tim 5:8). So it is not wise to cause your spouse or children to go hungry in order to feed someone else’s spouse or children. The same goes for other things such as electricity, water, housing, etc. Of course, unusual and extreme circumstances and factors such as illness and age and similar matters should be considered. For example, be willing to share even when you only have a little. This principle is illustrated in the account of Elijah and the widow woman who thought she only had enough for her and her son. But “Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.” (1 Kings 17:13)
Be mindful that under the New Covenant, where you give is not restricted to the local church although the local church should be a major consideration. Yet, Jesus intimates that whenever and wherever you give to those outside your immediate household you are giving to Him (Matthew 25:40).
Be mindful that in Bible days people controlled their own expenses but now the electric company, the water company, the grocery store, etc. largely control what we must spend. Furthermore, employers largely control our income along with the government taxation system. So then it is rather difficult to compare biblical economics with modern economics. That is why tithing is not a New Covenant requirement but rather a standard consideration to be weighed against other matters. Yet giving by faith (Luke 6:38; 2 Cor 9:6-7; Rom 12:13) is a New Covenant requirement that is also to be weighed against one’s over all condition.
Under the New Covenant, there is provision for ministers to receive money because of their preaching and teaching and ministry in general (Deuteronomy 25:4; 1 Cor 9:9-10,11-14, 15-16, 17-19; 1 Tim 5:17-18; Mark 12:43-44). There are some New Covenant ministers who are full-time with no other source of income as in the case of the full time temple Levites. There are others who have sources of income other than through ministry. In all cases, ministers should not be hirelings or over-chargers guilty of filthy lucre at the expense of their congregations (Proverbs 12:10).
Though tithing terminology is not used in the New Covenant form of giving, 10% is a good standard goal; give as close to it as you can, even more than 10% is appropriate if one so desires and is able. One can spread this out over giving to the church-house, giving to the needy, giving to societal social institutions such as nonprofits, etc.
Tithing was the way God commanded for the Israelites to exercise financial stewardship regarding taking care of those dedicated 24×7 to ministry under the Old Covenant.
Tithing is not a commandment under the New Covenant; the New Covenant began with Jesus death on the cross (Hebrews 9:15-17). When Jesus speaks about tithing in Matthew 23:23 he does so as to what people were to do under the Old Covenant not the New Covenant.
This document looks at giving under the New Covenant. The reference section contains a link to an article entitled Of Tithes and Tithing I wrote on tithing from a historical perspective as well as providing some insight into its use by modern churches though tithing is not a commandment under the New Covenant.
Note that though tithing is not a commandment under the New Covenant, it is not ungodly for churches and/or persons to apply tithing terminology and principle in matters of financial stewardship so long as it is not presented as a commandment.
I know of no scripture in the New Testament that exhorts giving using tithing terminology.
God knew the various complexities would arise once the Gospel spread throughout the world and different economic systems arose. Therefore, the New Testament uses words such as gift or giving without indication of amount or percentage.
Giving is best when voluntarily initiated by the giver 1 Cor 16:2; 2 Cor 8:11-14; 9:6-7). This does not mean the church should not remind people of the value and importance of giving nor does it mean the church should not offer opportunity to give at a particular point in a worship service. It does mean the church should not mandate giving nor should it ask for a specific amount of giving; otherwise, the church violates the spirit of the giving under the New Covenant.
In the accounts of Abraham (Gen 14:20) and Jacob (Gen 28:22; 35:3) giving both of them initiated the giving. Their accounts also suggest that anyplace or purpose consecrated for God’s glory is sufficient for giving purposes. It also suggests that since all believers are priests, giving to believers (Matthew 25:40) are part of Abraham’s giving standard. Also since Abraham gave not to the house of God but to a person outside of the house of God and Jacob gave to the house of God, it follows there are at least two proper receivers of giving: (1) a person inside or outside the house of God and (2) the house of God. Thus, it follows there is no biblical principle that giving (tithes, offering, or otherwise) is restricted to the house of God, e.g., the church-house. Moreover, notice that Abraham only gave one time.
Malachi 3:6 speaks about God changing not. This is certainly true regarding God’s divine nature. Yet we know that this idea of God changing not is a general statement that is not absolute regarding all matters. For even Moses petitioned and convinced God to change his mind (Exodus 32:10-14). David prayed and expected God to change his mind about taking his son (2 Samuel 12:14-18). So Moses prayer resulted in a changed mind but David’s did not. We also know there has been a change from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.
Yet, under the New Covenant, there is provision for ministers to receive money because of their preaching and teaching and ministry in general (Deuteronomy 25:4; 1 Cor 9:9-10,11-14, 15-16, 17-19; 1 Tim 5:17-18; Mark 12:43-44). There are some New Covenant ministers who are full-time with no other source of income as in the case of the full time temple Levites. There are others who have sources of income other than through ministry. In all cases, ministers should not be hirelings or over-chargers guilty of filthy lucre at the expense of their congregations (Proverbs 12:10).
Abraham’s and Jacob’s giving was voluntary and either could have chosen to give a greater or even lesser amount. Similarly, could not a person under the New Covenant choose to give 10%, less than 10% or more than 10% and be righteous to do so in either case? Does not the blessing of God apply to either case under the New Covenant?
Yet, 10% is a good standard goal; give as close to it as you can. Even give more if you can but do not feel guilty if you can’t give 10%. With some saying the tithe yet applies, sometimes adhering to the tithe may be less mentally and conscience challenging than trying to determine how much one should give without being made to feel guilty. Let one’s own conscience be the guide.
Be mindful of the biblical principle of preferring the ways of another over oneself (Rom 12:10; Phil 2:3). This principle applies both ways: to the membership and the leadership. Thus, the church leadership should not insist on adherence to the tithing methodology; comprehensive training on both the Old and New Covenant principles of giving and the principle of preferring others may be sufficient to achieve the desired response.
The principle of preferring others is embodied in Paul’s decision to have Timothy circumcised (Acts 16:3) although circumcision is a requirement under the Old Covenant but not the New Covenant. Circumcision is not required now but getting circumcised is not sinful. Likewise, tithing is not required now but giving using the tithing numerical formula is not sinful so long as it is not presented as mandatory.
So then if you belong to a church who prefer to use the tithing method and terminology you should consider compliance so long as you do not believe it is mandatory. Yet, if you use the tithing terminology you should genuinely intend to pay an amount equal to 10% of your income; this should be done at least on an annual basis since tithes were generally paid annually in bible days yet it would most likely be appropriate to do on at least a monthly basis if you adhere to the spirit of the tithing. To pretend to pay 10% and to intentionally not do so is dishonest and at least borders on the dishonest and sinful behavior of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-4, 5-8, 9-11). This is why I try to avoid giving using the word tithe when within my authority to do so. For example, I have learned not to write tithe on my checks in the comment space; I write nothing, gift, freewill offering, or some similar phrase. If asked or urged to use tithing terminology I try to make it clear that I do not pay tithe; but, I give a freewill offering and their use of tithing nomenclature is their nomenclature not mine.
In any case, one should balance compliance with the admonition about being worse than an infidel if you fail to take care of your family (1 Tim 5:8). So it is not wise to cause your spouse or children to go hungry in order to feed someone else’s spouse or children. The same goes for other things such as electricity, water, housing, etc. Of course, unusual and extreme circumstances and factors such as illness and age and similar matters should be considered. For example, be willing to share even when you only have a little. This principle is illustrated in the account of Elijah and the widow woman who thought she only had enough for her and her son. But “Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.” (1 Kings 17:13)
Some churches use the concept of a pledge to plan its budget for the year or to pay a specific large expense such as the cost of a new building. Pledging is a way to help management/leadership know what level of funding the church can anticipate for ministry over a specific period of time and/or for a specific project/fund.
A pledge is a promise or at least a statement of intent to pay at least a specific amount over a specific period of time or to a specific fundraising campaign. The pledge may be paid as frequently as one desires and are able whether it be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or even yearly or as one otherwise establishes.
The pledge may be equal to but is normally above that which one normally intends to give. It is understood that if one’s financial capacity lessens then one may alter the pledge. Of course, one is free to increase the pledge at any time as well. Including a pledge in your household budget may also be a way to help you and the family continuously focus better on prioritizing your expenditures in a manner that more ably reflect your long term faith and values.
Old Covenant Tithes and Offerings are both included in the principle/concept of New Covenant Giving.
How a Jewish Synagogue Operates? Jewish synagogue typically do not pay using the tithing system as they typically hold that tithes were paid only at the Temple which does not exist today. Jewish typically pay dues annually using a dues structure based on family status (i.e., married or single) and/or family size and/or income amounts and/or age. For an example due structure see Temple B’nai Shalom in Fairfax Station, Virginia (HTML) or Temple Emeth In Chestnut, Maryland (PDF)
FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP (covenantkeepers.org)
Pledging, Tithing, Giving – Trinity (trinityoldtappan.com)
To God Be the Glory!