As the case of the ancestry of Angela Davis, a major Civil Rights Activist and member of the former Black Panter Party, shows American History including its component Black History is complex indeed.
She has reportedly discovered through Mr. Henry Louis Gates’ “Finding Your Roots” Program that “10th great-grandfather on her father’s white side was William Brewster, who was born in England in 1570” and he came here on the Mayflower as one of the settlers of this nation of USA. She has also discovered that her maternal grandfather was a white man. Thus, she seemingly is the descendant of slaveholders.
Historical good should be celebrated no matter the skin color it showed up in. Historical evil should be condemned no matter what skin color it showed up in.
No one alive today no matter the skin color should feel guilty or shame or responsible for any evil their ancestors may or may not have done.
Yet every CITIZEN no matter the skin color has a responsibility to be a part of the solution (not the problem) as one is gifted to move their community, city, county, state, and therefore this nation (USA) further toward that more perfect union the imperfect founders hoped for.
Matthew 22:34-40 (Love God First, Secondly Love Neighbor as Self says Jesus Christ)
Much Godly Love and Peace!
Reference: Atlanta Black Star Article