Jesus speaks of unity among his disciples in John 17:20-21. Paul speaks of unity in the body of Christ in Ephesians 4:13.
Diversity, difference, multiplicity and distance do not necessarily mean disunity. The presence of contradiction and opposition characterize disunity. Arrogance, a know-it-all attitude, impatience, immaturity, intolerance, and inflexibility sometimes if not always breed opposition.
The presence of contradiction and opposition characterize disunity. Arrogance, a know-it-all attitude, impatience, immaturity, intolerance, and inflexibility sometimes if not always breed opposition.
It is essential that agreement exists that Jesus is the prophetic Messiah as set forth by the biblical apostles. That he is the living word of God. Beyond that agreement should be sought. Yet, one should accept that the sin in us sometimes produce contradictions that love compels us to endure hardship as good soldiers without losing friendship and fellowship.
Yet, there are some rarely encountered contradictions and sins that require disfellowship in the usual fellowship sense that the sinful person may learn of his or her wrong (1 Corinthians 5:1, 13)