Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 Presidential race answers a question about religious freedom. In her answer she speaks on abortion concluding that the Federal Government should not be involved in the decision making process. The link is below to the video.
It is that kind of twisted logic by Warren that caused me to leave the Democratic Party and eventually become an Independent.
One of the important tasks of government is to protect the weak against the strong through equitable opportunity. The person in the womb deserves that protection. With respect to abortion as a part of healthcare benefits, healthcare is about saving lives not taking lives; any healthcare policy should be rooted in the saving lives principle.
Indeed, most abortions are for social, psychological, emotional, and economic reasons.
The argument that it’s the woman’s body and so she should be able to do with it what she wants lacks spiritual, intellectual, and legal integrity. Of course to Warren and like minded people the unborn is not human enough or not human at all
A more detailed discussion of my view about abortion may be found at the link below entitled About Abortion.